More Cash. Lower Costs. Bigger Profits.

We believe that corporate finance ought to be done differently. We know that we are able to achieve superior financial results for you and your business:

  • More cash on the balance sheet
  • Large reduction in debt requirements
  • Improved financial metrics (debt to equity, interest coverage, etc.)
  • Lower financing costs
  • Higher profit margins

Sound too good to be true?

Well Pay Day Saver is real, its different and it delivers all of this!

Steve Jobs
(1955 -2011)
"Here's to the crazy ones, the rebels. The ones who see things differently. They have no respect for the status quo. You can glorify them or vilify them, you can't ignore them. People who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do."

We invite you to join us. Be different and strive for better.

Today’s best practice will become tomorrow’s baseline. The choice is whether to be a leader or a follower.

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Employee Benefits

Advantages of our service extend not only to your business, but to your employees also. Your staff will:

  • Earn more
  • Save more
  • Benefit from group spending power
  • Achieve better tax efficiency
  • Gain greater financial control and flexibility

So, not only do we improve the financial health of your company, but we also procure a happier workforce by way of improved employment benefits.

Employees will be more invested in your business which is great for productivity and will result in a lower staff turnover rate.

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The Cost

As you have discovered, by deploying our service your business is able to achieve durable enhancements to its profitability and so, by extension, increase its intrinsic value.

However, the best part has been saved for last. All of this is delivered at no additional net cost to you.

In fact, the cost of deploying our service is negative in real terms because our fee is a small percentage of the huge financial benefit that we deliver. Said differently, for every dollar that we unlock for you we will receive a few cents. Our interests are thus perfectly aligned.

Why would you not exploit this wonderful opportunity?

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The Employees’ Smart Phone App

The Pay Day Saver app is simple, elegant and intuitive for your employees to use. They will soon wonder how they ever lived without it.

This is truly a quantum leap in employer/employee relations.

“People don’t know what they want until you show it to them. It’s hard for [them] to tell you what they want when they’ve never seen anything remotely like it. Our task is to read things that are not yet on the page.”


Don’t be afraid of change. Think different. Strive for better.


We work hard to deliver a world-class product and service because we are passionate about our customers’ success. We strive to ensure that our customers achieve their profitability goals because that is ultimately what we are selling. Our customers’ success is our success and so our interests are perfectly aligned. In this way we earn customer loyalty and we aim to retain customers for life.

Find Out How We Can Improve Your Business

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